
터미널/ssh/sftp/telnet/시리얼포트/RDP/VNC 클라이언트 (리눅스, 맥, 윈도우)

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### Updates
♥ Use ubuntu 20 to build release to support some old Linux OS
♥ Make default AI role shorter
♥ Do not set error status for tab when terminal socket error
♥ Improve bookmark list search speed, now it is much faster
### 更新
♥ 使用 Ubuntu 20 构建发布版本以支持一些旧的 Linux 操作系统
♥ 缩短默认 AI 角色描述
♥ 终端 socket 错误时不设置标签页错误状态
♥ 改进书签列表搜索速度,现在搜索更快
Linux x86/x64/arm/arm64
Mac OS x64
Windows 10/11 x64



→ Works as a terminal/file manager or ssh/telnet/serialport/RDP/VNC/sftp → client

→ Global hotkey to toggle window visibility (similar to guake, default is ctrl + 2)

→ Multi platform(linux, mac, win)

→ 🇺🇸 🇨🇳 🇧🇷 🇷🇺 🇪🇸 🇫🇷 🇹🇷 🇭🇰 🇯🇵 🇸🇦 🇩🇪 🇰🇷 Multi-language support(electerm-locales, contributions/fixes welcome)

→ Double click to directly edit (small) remote files.

→ Auth with publicKey + password.

→ Support Zmodem(rz, sz).

→ Support ssh tunnel.

→ Support Trzsz(trz/tsz), similar to rz/sz, and compatible with tmux.

→ Transparent window(Mac, win).

→ Terminal background image.

→ Global/session proxy.

→ Quick commands

→ UI/terminal theme

→ Sync bookmarks/themes/quick commands to github/gitee secret gist

→ Quick input to one or all terminals.

→ Command line usage: checkwiki